web summit

iSource at Web Summit 2014

Europe’s largest tech conference – Web Summit 2014 took place in Dublin Nov. 4-6 and was attended by over 20,000 people. The iSource team attended the Web Summit and they made a lot of contacts, new friends and acquaintances during it. We presented our skills and the portfolio of our recent projects.  We’re still in that euphoria!

In just three years, it managed to become from just one of many conferences, to “the” event to attend in Europe. The numbers are staggering: 22,000 attendees from 109 countries, 614 speakers, 2,160 start-ups, 1,324 journalists and 2,200 staff. And the Dublin conference is just the beginning: the same guys behind the Summit launched in 2013 the Collision conference in Las Vegas, and they will launch next year the Sync Conference in Asia . It sure does help that in Ireland they have the full support of the government and the fact that almost all the European headquarters of the main Internet companies are based there is another atout, but I do think that they could replicate, at least in part, also elsewhere the success they had.

Bono was in the final panel of the conference, chatting about the future of the music industry. He did say a few interesting things, but it’s not the words he said that matter, anyway: it was the way he said them, like if they were coming not only from the brain, but from brain, heart and life experience blended together.


Source: www.forbes.com