Macedonia Economic Summit 2015

Macedonia Economic Summit organised by Macedonia 2025 took place in Skopje on 19-21 October 2015. Our team had the honour to be a part of organizing of the event. The Summit was a world class event!

The Macedonia Economic Summit is a platform where professionals and entrepreneurs can network towards success and where world-renowned speakers and experts will present the most relevant information and analysis in the fields of technology, business and management.

The Summit hosted around 300 participants and additional 400 students and young entrepreneurs at the free Leadership Talks event. Over the two main days of the Summit there were eight panel discussions featuring 38 speakers coming from more than 17 countries, including Albania, Austria, Australia, Hong Kong, Croatia, Poland, Serbia, Sweden, United Kingdom and the United States. The speakers represented many sectors, including finance and banking, consumer electronics, IT, tourism, mobile, agriculture, management and health. In addition to the panel discussions the Summit had off-site Gala reception and a community-outreach event titled Climb with the Leaders to mount Vodno, attended by 80 participants. The Summit was supported by 13 organizations, 14 media outlets and 27 sponsors. All relevant national TV stations reported on the event and broadcasted interviews with a number of the Summit’s speakers. The organizing team was made of 6 team members and additional 6 staff.

Looking back to the panel discussions, the conversations that took place on the sidelines, the Gala reception and all the additional events, it is safe to say that we gave Macedonia what it deserves – the best experts, talking to a select audience, in an effort to help the country reinvent itself into a better competitor, but also to contemplate regional business development.

Watch the presentations of the Keynote speakers Nika Gilauri, Tomi T Ahonen, Harry Kraemer and Mike Zafirovski, spread across 8 panels and featuring more than 30 experts from around the world:

The organization was focused on bringing best business practices, executive education programs and ultimately, investments in the country. Macedonia 2025 is a global organization, supported by Macedonians and friends of Macedonia from around the world. Congratulations to the team of Macedonia 2025 for the excellent organisation of the Macedonia Economic Summit!
