iSource on Lokum Fest 2021

Lokum fest-music tradition is an authentic cultural and tourist event that has existed since 2007. Founder and organizer of the festival is the Association of Citizens – Center for Cultural Decontamination Bitola.
The festival is held every year in mid-July in the heart of the old Turkish bazaar in Bitola.

This year the 15th edition of the festival was from 22-24 July on locations important for the Bitola culture. The festival was enriched by the outstanding performances of Vlatko Stefanovski, Dragan and Ratko Dautovski, and several cultural and artistic performances in the Old Bazar.


The objectives of the festival are:
Revival and protection of the old Bitola Bazaar as a cultural-historical monument of the Ottoman period is an extremely important part of the collective memory of many generations.
Promote traditional urban values through music, crafts, exhibitions, poetry and more.
Development of cultural tourism and animation as many visitors in the old Bitola Bazaar.
Networking with other cities with old bazaars and development of traditional crafts and business initiatives.

Believing in these objectives, iSource supported the festival and the preservation of cultural heritage in our hometown of Bitola.

Enjoying all three cultural evenings in our town, we invite you to join us at Lokum fest next year. See you there.


